September brought new updates to the Every Voice Engaged platform. These changes reflect new capabilities for moderators, a simpler, more secure way to purchase an EVE license, and new back-end architecture for the platform that will enable several new features also in development.  

In-app invitation (beta) 

As part of our efforts to enhance the moderator/convenor experience, we’ve developed in-app invitation so that moderators can enter emails directly into the Participant field in the scheduling flow, and EVE will send out emails to those addresses containing the forum information, join link and link to the relevant issue guide. This saves moderators/conveners having to copy and paste the forum information into their own email to invite participants.  

Purchase EVE subscription online (alpha) 

As part of our efforts to increase support for EVE and enhance the moderator/convenor experience, we’ve developed a way that users who want to sign up for their own EVE subscriptions and gain the ability to create their own issue guides, create their own teams, etc., can purchase a license and pay for it via credit card on the Every Voice Engaged website. This reduces the amount of personal email needed to initiate a new license, and keeps all payment information secure using the Stripe API. 

New tech stack (alpha) 

Improve initial participant experience by moving to a mobile-optimized tech stack (alpha): this month EVE configured a new tech stack that will be the basis for massive improvements to the participant experience, including the ability to participate on a mobile device. This includes configuringand testing of the new stack (Springboard, Java, REST API) and the 1st microservice. 

Microservices (alpha)
To enhance the moderator/convenor experience, EVE has begun building a new, streamlined digital issue guide and forum registration process which uses microservices to communicate between the legacy platform and the new functionality powered by Amazon Web Services. 

The following changes are included in version 1.9.4 of EVE:  


Issue #  





Enhance the moderator/convenor experience 


In-app invitation functionality for moderators/convenors 


Other features and enhancements as agreed upon by both parties 


Online purchase of EVE license 


Clean up the forum lobby to improve the initial participant experience 


Proof of concept for new stack. Including Springboard, Java, REST API & the 1st microservice 


Enhance the moderator/convenor experience 

Bamboo & Lily 

Proof of concept to deploy our first microservice to AWS